

The bus ride was pleasant and the weather beautiful. I have to report that the gas station donuts rival Krispy Kreme here. In Blonduos, a nice man named who spoke no English drove me to the NES Residency. He kept asking if I was from Ireland due to my red hair. On the way, we pointed at things and announced them in our native languages. I learned the Icelandic words for sheep (kind), horse (hestur) cow (kyr), house (hus), church (kirkja), pastor (prestur), pasture (beita), sea (sjor) and mountain (fjall). Some words are very similar to English like Hello (Hallo) and Thanks (Takk). Everyone speaks English (and Danish) except for a few folks in older generations, so it is actually difficult to learn Icelandic here.

Laura-this manhole cover is for you.

Love this hand drawn in colored pencil sign at a gas station; Icelanders really appreciate art!

Reykjavik from afar